World of Knives
+41 32 322 97 55

sknife: supplier of the Swiss Culinary National team since 2022

This is the new Swiss Culinary National team! With creativity, passion and team spirit, these top chefs are ready to represent Switzerland on the culinary world stage: preparations for the 2026 Culinary World Cup in Luxembourg are in full swing.
We are proud to support the Swiss Culinary National team with sknife knives since 2022!

Team f.l.t.r.: Diana Perini (Casino Theater, Winterthur), Justus Terno (Barry Callebaut Schweiz AG), Paula Obertanner (Restaurant Verve, Bad Ragaz), Christian Schug (Gasthof Bären, Habkern), Dominik Altorfer (Roof Garden, Zurich), Luca Remund (Hiltl AG, Zurich), Livia Bucheli (La Brezza, Hotel Eden Roc, Ascona), Simone Devittori (Hotel Hof Weissbad)  

2 x gold and 1 x silver for the Swiss Culinary National team

The Swiss Culinary National team wins two gold and one silver medal at the Culinary Olympics in Stuttgart beginning of February 2024. We have been supporting the team as a partner and supplier of sknife knives since 2022 and congratulate the chefs.

sknife supports the world champion!

We congratulate the Swiss Culinary National team on their world championship title and are proud to have supported the team with sknife knives since 2022!

                    sknife ist Partner der Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft
                    Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft, Weltmeister Culinary World Cup Luxembourg 2022
                    Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft, Weltmeister Culinary World Cup Luxembourg 2022
                    Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft, Weltmeister Culinary World Cup Luxembourg 2022
                    Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft, Weltmeister Culinary World Cup Luxembourg 2022
                    Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft, Weltmeister Culinary World Cup Luxembourg 2022

sknife new supplier of the Swiss Culinary National team

From 2022, the knife manufacturer sknife will be involved as supplier for the Swiss Culinary National team and will support the team in pursuing their passion for cooking at the highest level. In preparation for the World Championships in Luxembourg end of November 2022, the Swiss Culinary National team and Swiss Culinary Junior National team have been reformed. The teams are accompanied by team manager Tobia Ciarulli and coaches Thomas Kuster and Pascal Inauen, all of whom are experienced competitors themselves. sknife is proud to be a partner of the Swiss Culinary National team, helping to give the art of cooking and culinary arts the attention it deserves.

                    sknife supplier of the Swiss Culinary National team 2022
                    sknife supplier of the Swiss Culinary National team 2022 - cooking blouse
                    sknife supplier of the Swiss Culinary National team 2022 in the kitchen
                    sknife supplier of the Swiss Culinary National team 2022 - fotoshooting
                    sknife supplier of the Swiss Culinary National team 2022 - fotoshoot

Swiss Culinary National team 2021

For many years until 2021, we were with Kai the official supplier of the Swiss National Culinary team, which is regrouping to prepare for the 2022 World Championships in Luxembourg. Joining the National Culinary team again is chocolatier Jorge Cardoso from Fribourg, who won the world championship title for the best showpiece for the team in Luxembourg in 2018. The task now is to deliver the required top performance as a team.

f.l.t.r.: Manuel Zünd, Guy Estoppey, Pietro Leanza, Dominik Roider, Andrea Werth, Michael Schneider, Marco Kölbener, Jorge Cardoso, Raphael Frei, Christian Oliveira

                    Kai, official supplier of the Swiss Culinary National team
                    Coaches of the Swiss Culinary National Team and the Culinary Junior National team

Swiss Culinary National team in 7th place overall

The Swiss Culinary National team, which won a gold medal for its three-course meal for 110 people and a silver medal in the "Chef's Table" discipline, achieved a top placing at the Culinary Olympics in Stuttgart with 7th place overall.

f.l.t.r.: Bruno Keist, Pietro Leanza,Teo Chiaravalloti, Jordan Thompson, Michael Schneider, Christian Oliveira, Frederik Jud, Niklas Schneider, Guy Estoppey, Andrea Werth, Tobia Ciarulli, Laura Niemi

Swiss Culinary National Team 2019

The national and junior national teams of the Swiss Culinary Federation are regrouping to build on the successes of the 2018 World Championships in Luxembourg. The teams are accompanied by team manager Tobia Ciarulli and coaches Thomas Kuster and Bruno Keist, all three of them experienced competitors themselves. We wish the Swiss Culinary National Team every success and, as the team's official supplier, are proud that the Kai knives will be loyal companions on this important stage towards the 2020 Olympics.  

f.l.t.r.: Teo Chiaravalloti, Niklas Schneider, Michael Schneider, Laura Niemi, Guy Estoppey, Christian Oliveira, Pietro Leanza, Jordan Thompson, Andrea Werth, Frederik Jud

Swiss culinary national team comes fourth

At the Culinary World Cup 2018 in Luxembourg, the Swiss culinary national team narrowly misses out on the podium, finishing fourth. The Swiss culinary national team's "Cold Table" is awarded gold. And the "Hot Kitchen" programme also wins the gold medal. After these two tasks, a maximum of 200 points can be achieved. The national team with the highest number of points becomes world champion. Two gold medals are thus a great appreciation for the work done.

Swiss Culinary National team 2018

2018 is the year of the cooking World Cup in Luxembourg, whereupon the Swiss Culinary National team 2018 as well as the Culinary Junior National team prepare intensively. According to team manager Tobia Ciarulli, mental training plays a crucial role.

The current Swiss Culinary National team from left to right: Silvan Holenstein, team chief Jordan Thompson, Stefanie Siegenthaler, Jennifer Kunz, Frederik Jud, team captain Christian Oliveira, Niklas Schneider

Swiss Culinary National Team 2017

The Swiss Culinary National Team 2017 with team manager Tobia Ciarulli is a completely new team with a lot of talent and desire for the national culinary team and the challenge to carry on the honour of Swiss culinary art as a team; after all, the 2016 team came third at the Culinary Olympics in Erfurt. Kai is proud to have contributed to this as the official supplier of the Swiss Culinary National team for 9 years.
The individual members are proven professionals, have already been able to gain experience in the art of cooking in various individual competitions and are established figures in their everyday professional lives.

f.l.t.r.: Jordan Thompson, Frederik Jud, Stefanie Siegenthaler, Christian Oliveira, Silvan Holenstein, Niklas Schneider

                    Kai ist offizieller Ausrüster der Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft 2017
                    Kai ist seit 9 Jahren Ausrüster der Schweizer Kochnati 2017
                    Offizielles Teambild Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft 2017
                    Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft 2016 Dritter Platz Erfurt

Swiss Culinary Team getting third place

The Swiss Culinary Team belongs to the best around the world. With a total score of 184.58 points it is getting the third place at the Culinary Olympics in Erfurt 2016, behind Singapore and Finland.

Swiss Culinary Team award ceremony Olympics 2016

Fulminant test run at Henri's Berne

                    Andreas Fleischlin vom Kochverband am Testlauf der Kochnati im Henri's Bern
                    Kochnati nach dem Testlauf im Henri's Bern
                    Testlauf der Kochnati im Henri's Bern
                    Fulminanter Testlauf der Kochnati im Henri's Bern
                    Kochnati und Juniorenkochnati Teams

The 3-course Olympic menu of the Swiss Culinary National team at Henri's Bern on 27.8.16 offered the 110 guests an Olympic dining experience. The summer temperatures could not harm the cool components of the dessert; a good practice for the Cooking Olympics in Erfurt from 22 - 25.10.16. The 4th and last test run of the Swiss Culinary National team and the Culinary Junior National team will take place on 10.09.16, respectively 24.09.16 in the Swiss Hotel Management School Lucerne.

Competition test run Swiss Culinary National Team

                    Testlauf Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft PUR Pfäffikon
                    Testlauf Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft PUR Pfäffikon

In view of the Culinary Olympics in Erfurt, the national culinary teams are already training very diligently. The test runs – among others on 27.8.2016 at Henris Restaurant & Catering in Berne – are part of these preparations.

National teams at the Dîner Spectacle

The Swiss national Culinary teams are among the best cooking teams in the world and are the flagship of the Swiss Culinary Federation. The Culinary Junior National team even won the world championship title in November 2014. Each member invests over 1'000 hours a year in developing new creations and training. In 2015, the Culinary Junior National team and Culinary National team exclusively opened their kitchen doors to guests of DAS ZELT for the dinner show.

Due to the training for the Cooking Olympics in late autumn 2016 in Erfurt, the Dîner Spectacle 2016 will unfortunately take place without the teams, but the shows in 2017 will then possibly be given a culinary framework with the winning menu...

Culinary national teams at Dîner Spectacle

Gold and silver for national culinary team

At the Culinary World Cup in Luxembourg, the Swiss Culinary National team won a gold medal in the cold show and silver for the hot table. This results in a very good 11th place in the World Cup. With Kai as the official supplier of the Swiss Culinary National team, we offer our warmest congratulations.

                    Culinary World Cup Kochnati Siegerehrung
                    Culinary World Cup Kochnati warmer Tisch
                    Culinary World Cup Kochnati kaltes Programm
                    Culinary World Cup Kochnati kalter Tisch
                    Kreation Kochnati Culinary World Cup

Swiss Culinary National team in 2nd place!

The Swiss Culinary National team performed outstandingly at the FHA Culinary Challenge in Singapore: as one of the three best national teams, it took part in the final "Battle for the Lion". After Singapore, the overall winner of the Culinary Challenge, the Swiss team finished in second place (silver) and won one gold medal each for the hot and cold cuisine "Culinary Art" and a silver medal for the cold cuisine "Pastry". The 6th picture on the right shows the team at the recent photo shoot.

                    Siegerehrung Kochnati Battle for the Lion FHA Culinary Challenge Singapur
                    FHA Culinary Challenge Singapur Sascha Müller, Roman Okle
                    FHA Culinary Challenge Singapur Warmes Programm Kochnati
                    FHA Culinary Challenge Kochnati Kaltes Programm
                    FHA Culinary Challenge Singapur Kaltes Programm Kochnati
                    Fotoshooting Schweizer Kochnationalmannschaft

Foto shoot Swiss Culinary National team

A cheerful mood prevailed at the photo shoot of the new Swiss Culinary National team. Currently, the test runs are taking place in preparation for the Culinary Olympics (22 - 25.10.2016 in Erfurt).
From left to right: Thomas Mair, David Lanz, Denise Minnig, Yanick Mumenthaler, Cindy Gammenthaler, Mario Garcia (team manager), Stephan Stemminger, Ale Mordasini (team captain), Rolf Mürner (pastry advisors & trainers), Geraldine Müller Maras, Daniel Schmidlin (culinary advisors & trainers), Adrian Reimann, Rasmus Springbrunn (culinary advisors & trainers), Marcel Schori

                    Neue Kochnationalmannschaft 
                    Making of Fotoshooting Kochnati 2016
                    Fotoshooting Kochnati 2016
                    Bildauswahl Fotoshooting Kochnati 2016

New Swiss Culinary Junior National team

                    Kochnati Kernteam
                    Thomas Kuster
                    Kreation Kochnati
                    Thomas Bissegger

The new Swiss Culinary National Team has been built from the cooking guild of Aargau. The Swiss Culinary National Team is completed by Thomas Kuster and Heinz Vorhofer of the disbanded team of Zurich. The 10-persons team is equiped and supported by the Kai Shun damask knives of Kai, the official supplier of the Swiss Culinary National Team.

The cooking guild of Aargau already won three times the Culinary World Cup. The team is now optimally prepared for Culinary World Cup 2014 in Luxembourg.

Former Swiss Culinary National team

                    Kai knives for the Swiss cook national team
                    Swiss cook national team at IGEHO
                    Kochnati Battle of the Dragon Wales 11
                    Schweiz Kochnati 2009
                    IKA Erfurt Siegerehrung Kochnati 2008
                    Fabian Margelist langjähriges Kochnati-Mitglied

As official supplier of the Swiss Culinary National team Kai is supporting the commitment  of chefs and the heart and soul they put into their work and offers them with the Shun Knives an appropriate tool for the exercise of their cooking passion.